Tax revenues are a very big sticking point for many people in our community.  We appreciate your patience as we are working through the numbers. 

Based on our current analysis and state law the table below is what the Town of Bethlehem can expect when we incorporate and manage our finances as a town ($3.02M).

Taxes are broken down into 3 sections. 

  • Ad valorum taxes or what we call property taxes set by law at $0.05/100.

  • Article Distribution taxes which are money coming back from the state that we already paid like sales tax, food tax and transportation tax to name a few.

  • Other taxes we already pay like sales tax on electricity, telecommunications and other utilities. These other taxes also include taxes on beer and wine.

The table below would be a good faith estimate of the tax revenue that the Town of Bethlehem would receive from the $0.05/100 tax and tax distributions from the state.  Our financial team used our local town of Taylorsville and their budget distributions to help with the numbers to base it in Alexander County. As we continue to work this process, we will fully develop a balanced budget for everyone to see to allow you to make an informed decision.  However, to keep moving forward we would ask that you continue to sign up your neighbors on the legal petition sheet.  As always please reach out to return completed sheets via Facebook or email to and we will pick them up. 

Thank you for your support